Cyber Security for Banks

    Especially the implemention of regulatory and legal requirements such as FINMA-RS 2017/01 "Corporate Governance - Banks", 2008/07 "Outsourcing banks", respectively 2008/21 "Operational risks banks" and the data protection law include many technically and organisationally demanding requirements. That's why as a Swiss bank it pays to involve an experienced cyber security expert.

    As a Swiss expert for Cyber Security, InfoGuard has established itself in the banking environment and supports numeros financial services providers in their cyber defence - be it on premise at the customer or from our ISO/IEC 27001 certified Cyber Defence Center (CDC) in Switzerland.

    In fulfilling the cyber security requirements of FINMA (revised circular 2008/21, margin numbers 135 ff) InfoGuard can competently support you.

    Please find more information in our brochure:

    Cyber Security for Banks